Hunt Rules


  1. Original creations only:  please no business in a box, freebies or infringement on other people's property.
  2. Prizes must be new and exclusive to the hunt, for the duration of the hunt.  Make it a quality item, one that hunters will want to go back to your store for!  You may sell the item in your store once the hunt is over.  HUNT PRIZES MUST BE IN THEME
  3. This hunt is applicable to all vendors with an accessible store.  If your store is located in a mall, you must be able to TP directly to your store. 
  4. The hunt item must not be resized so small that will it be nearly impossible to see.  Also, it must not be placed within a prim, it must be visible with normal camera modes
  5. You may place decoy items, but please limit them to no more than 3.
  6. Every vendor MUST provide a hint!    Hints will be placed in the blog as well as at your location.
  7. Hunt items will be 1L each, remember to sell the contents of the prim, not a copy or the original.
  8. This is meant to be fun for all involved - so let's keep it light and exciting!